Code snippet in webpage body

Hey there, I could really use some assistance: I currently have the following:

A) Login.html
B) Documentation.html
C) Base.html

Within the login page, there is a form with fields for User and Password. In Documentation, there are links to various folders such as Jquery, Bootraps, and more. As for Base.html, it contains a section of code that needs to be included on all pages. The code snippet is:

<div id="loading">
    <div id="loading-msg" >
        <img src="img/spin.png" class="rotating">

This code is meant to display a rotating logo while waiting for a response from the server (as outlined in Documentation.html):

    <script type="">
            $("#loading").fadeIn( 500 );
            $("#loading").fadeOut( 100 );

To wrap things up, my query is: How can I integrate the code from "Base.html" into "Login.html"? When attempting to use:

<link href="../incluye/base.html" rel="import">
within the Head section, it does not seem to function properly.

Answer №1

It seems like there might be a mistake in your html import - instead of incluye, it should probably be include.

If you prefer, you can use the load() function from jQuery to include the file like this:

<script type="text/javascript"> 

In this case, make sure that #target corresponds to the id of the element where you want the content to be loaded.

Answer №2

Another option is to modify the file extension to PHP and conveniently incorporate additional files using

<?PHP include 'yourfilename.php(extension)'

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