Utilize CSS to incorporate special characters as list markers

Is there a way to use CSS to make the list marker in an HTML list display as "►"?

Answer №1

To incorporate a special character in CSS, use its hex value in the following manner:

ul li:before { 
   content: "\25BA";  /* Use the hexadecimal representation of your desired character from CharMap */

Please note: This method may not be compatible with Internet Explorer versions below 8.

See a demonstration here: http://jsfiddle.net/mrchief/5yKBq/

If you want to add a space after the bullet symbol, include it like this: content: "\25BA" " ";

Alternatively, you can utilize an image for bullets as shown below:

ul {
   list-style: disc url(bullet.gif) inside;

Answer №2

If you find yourself needing this for older versions of IE (prior to 8), consider implementing the code snippet below:

UL LI:before,
UL LI .before {
    content: "►"
    /* Additional styles can be applied to this pseudo-element */

/* Code for IE (to be used within conditional comments) */
    behavior: expression(
            t.insertAdjacentHTML('afterBegin','<span class="before">►</span>');
            t.runtimeStyle.behavior = 'none';

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