Achieving proper layout in Material-UI Autocomplete by splitting long words

Exploring the Material-UI autocomplete feature for the first time has brought some challenges my way. I am working with usernames, which have a specific length limit but could exceed the space available in the autocomplete view.

Upon examining the sandbox and image provided, it is evident that longer words get cut off due to size constraints.

Hence, I am seeking a solution to either dynamically expand the dropdown's width based on option string length when clicked or implement a word-break for overly long words.

While experimenting with various methods in the sandbox, I have been unable to successfully handle text overflow or break lengthy words into new lines.

Check out the Sandbox Example

If anyone could offer guidance on resolving this issue, I would greatly appreciate it.

Answer №1

To create a line break, you can use the following code:

  componentsProps={{ paper: { sx: { wordBreak: 'break-word' } } }}

Check out the output of using wordBreak: 'break-word'

Answer №2

Solved the issue by including componentProps in the list of attributes passed to Autocomplete.

This adjustment ensures that the dropdown containing usernames is wider than the input field, with a width that corresponds to the maximum username length or a predetermined fixed length outlined in my code.

        // --------
        // this section rectifies the problem
            paper: {
                sx: {
                    width: 160
        // --------
        getOptionLabel={e =>}

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