Double dragenter events triggered before dragleave in HTML5 drag and drop functionality

Currently, I'm researching HTML5 Drag and Drop functionality by using this resource. However, I've encountered an issue with the dragenter event that seems to fire twice for child elements before the dragleave event. Because of this, the dashed border styling applied during dragenter doesn't always get removed after dragleave in some cases. Despite searching Google and referring to sources like this link, I haven't been able to resolve the problem yet. I tried adding the CSS property pointer-events: none, but it's not compatible with IE9 and IE10.

Note that compatibility is essential for IE9 and above, as well as Mozilla browsers.

Below is a snippet of the code I'm working on:

// JavaScript code snippet here...
.clearfix {
    clear: both;

/* Additional CSS rules... */
<!-- HTML code snippet here... -->

Thank you for your assistance.

Answer №1

To prevent the event from being triggered by child elements, it is advisable to utilize event.stopPropagation();.

For more information, refer to the documentation available at:

Answer №2

There seems to be a bug specific to Firefox causing the "Dragenter-Event" to fire two times instead of just once, even if there are no child elements present. One possible solution could be utilizing and event.currentTarget along with pointer-events: none.

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