Is it possible to implement counters in CSS with Jquery?

I am trying to implement a specific style when an if statement is executed, but Jquery is encountering syntax issues and generating errors. Does anyone have a solution for escaping these errors so that I can still apply the desired styling?

The problematic Jquery code causing errors is as follows:

$("#inject-toc-here > ol > li::before").css("content", "counters(item, ".") " "");

The correct CSS code should look like this:

#inject-toc-here ol li::before {
    content: counters(item, ".") " ";

The issue seems to arise from the second value in the CSS, particularly the inverted commas around counters(item...).

Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thank you in advance :)

Answer №1

$("#inject-toc-here > ol > li::before").css('content", "counters(item, ".") " "');

By switching to single quotes, I was able to resolve the issue with the quotation marks. I will continue to work on fixing the remaining errors in the code.

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