JS Issue with Generating Content

Introduction( kind of :) )

Starting with the process of generating 5 coffee beans for each cup of coffee. The coffee class includes a strength attribute, and my goal is to visually distinguish the coffee beans which have a strength greater than the selected value (as shown in the image below).

My CoffeeMachine Class (simplified):

class CoffeeMachine {
    constructor() {
        this.name = ""
        this.coffeeList = { list: [] }
        this.tokenList = { list: [] }
        this.shoppingCard = { list: [] }
    addCoffe(coffee) {
    addToken(token) {
    addToCart(item) {

My Coffee Class (simplified):

class Coffee {
    constructor() {
        this.name = ""
        this.price = 0
        this.time = 0.0
        this.imgsrc = ""
        this.strength = 0
        this.sugar = 0
        this.caffeine = 0
        this.values = []
        this.titelArray = ["caffeeine", "sugar", "time", "strength"]
        this.colors = ["#e34444", "#7944e3", "#44e35c", "#e3d044"]
    setValues(name, price, time, strength, imgsrc, sugar, caffeine) {
        this.name = name
        this.price = price
        this.time = time
        this.strength = strength
        this.imgsrc = imgsrc
        this.sugar = sugar
        this.caffeine = caffeine
    setCoffeeValues() {
        this.values = [this.caffeine + "mg", this.sugar + "g", this.time + "s", this.strength + "/5"]


The coffees will be added to the shopping cart list in the coffee machine as shown below:


Initializing the coffees

coffeeLatte.setValues("Latte Macchiato", 1.60, 30.0, 3, "../pics/coffeeLatte.png", 18, 75)
        coffeeBlack.setValues("Black Coffee", 1.20, 20.0, 5, "../pics/coffeeBlack.png", 4, 95)
        coffeCappunchino.setValues("Cappuccino", 1.60, 35, 2, "../pics/coffeeCappuchino.png", 12, 64)

The update shopping cart method in the coffee machine class (the problem):

This is how I generate the beans for each coffee in the list:

  for (let i = 0; i < this.shoppingCard.list.length; i++) {
            for (let j = 0; j < 5; j++) {
                document.getElementsByClassName('beans')[i].innerHTML += `<img class="bean" src="../pics/bean.png"></img>`

In the code below, I adjust the opacity for the coffee beans based on their respective strengths:

for (let i = 0; i < this.shoppingCard.list.length; i++) {
    for (let j = 0; j < this.shoppingCard.list[i].strength; j++) {
        document.getElementsByClassName('bean')[i].style.opacity = "1"
        if (j <= this.shoppingCard.list[i].strength){
            for (let k = this.shoppingCard.list[i].strength; k < 5; k++) {
                document.getElementsByClassName('bean')[k].style.opacity = "0.3"


Upon adding multiple coffees to the shopping cart, the visualization appears as follows:

Answer №1

Perhaps this could provide a resolution to your issue

for (let j = 1; j <= this.shoppingCard.list[i]; j++) {
    for (let k = 0; k < 5; k++) {
        if (k + 1 < this.shoppingCard.list[i].strength) {
            document.getElementsByClassName('bean')[0].children[k].style.opacity = "1"
        } else {
            document.getElementsByClassName('bean')[0].children[k].style.opacity = "0.3"

Answer №2

Unclear about the purpose of all the loops, you might want to experiment with this alternative approach:

for (let x = 0; x < this.cart.items.length; x++) {
  let quality = this.cart.items[x].quality;
  for (let y = 0; y < 6; y++) {
    document.getElementsByClassName('product')[x * 6 + y].style.opacity = y <= quality ? "1" : "0.4";

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