How can I ensure that buttons in a row utilize the full 100% of available space?

I have a row of buttons in my HTML code like this:


<div class="buttons">
     <div><input type="button"/></div>
     <div><input type="button"/></div>
     <div><input type="button"/></div>
     <div><input type="button"/></div>


.buttons > div

In some cases, only 3 buttons are visible in the row, while in others only 2 buttons are visible.

How can I ensure that the visible buttons take up the entire width of the row with enough space between them (without resizing the buttons themselves)? The width of the button row is set to 600px.

Answer №1

Transform your "row" into a numbered list:

<div class="buttons">
      <li><input type="button"/></li>
      <li><input type="button"/></li>
     <li><input type="button"/></li>
     <li><input type="button"/></li>

Answer №2

Could giving width:100%; a shot be an option?

Answer №3

To achieve the desired layout, it is recommended to assign specific classes for each type of row and calculate the appropriate margin sizes accordingly. For example, you can create classes such as buttons_4, buttons_3, etc. with corresponding rules to define the margins in buttons_4 li, buttons_3 li, and so on.

If you need to eliminate the margin on the first or last element, you can utilize CSS selectors like buttons li:first-child or buttons li:last-child.

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