What is the best technology to implement for a band website design?

I'm in the process of creating a website for my friend's band, and I need some creative input. The site will feature minimal content such as a bio, news, and embedded audio/visual material. While my web development skills are decent, I'm looking for inspiration to make it stand out.

One idea I had was to incorporate a Silverlight deep zoom XAP object to showcase high-resolution photos of the band's equipment that zoom in when hovered over. I'm open to suggestions on other central features for the site and the best approach to implement them (using JS, CSS, Silverlight, etc).

If you have any cool ideas that you think would work well, please share them with me! Additionally, if you've come across any impressive band websites lately, I'd appreciate any links for inspiration. However, keep in mind that I'll be handling all the work myself, so nothing too complex - I want the site to be simple but still have that "wow" factor!

Answer №1

My recommendation is to go with WordPress. It offers great customization options with very little effort required.

Answer №2

In my opinion, it's best to avoid using Silverlight as it can slow down the website and require users to install a plugin. However, the technologies you've mentioned are suitable for a simple stack.

Following @Navi's suggestion, try downloading some WordPress/Joomla band templates to learn how they're constructed. Then, attempt to create your own webpages.

For inspiration, consider studying the structure of tableless websites like . It's a great example with both an impressive musician and a well-designed website. Try replicating the structure and adding CSS enhancements along with jQuery/mootools/dom effects.

Answer №3

Consider exploring Drupal as a platform for your website needs. With built-in support for blogs, forums, and various other useful features, it offers great flexibility and scalability. An interesting example is Michael Jackson's official website, which is powered by Drupal.

Answer №4

Utilizing a content management system or something similar can be highly beneficial for bands looking to easily update their own content once the website is completed. Consider searching for 'lightweight CMS' for additional options. :)

To find inspiration for features, take a look at other bands on platforms like Myspace and explore their websites.

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