Table borders not displaying properly in Chrome when cells are hidden

I'm dealing with a peculiar issue regarding the display of borders in Chrome when individual cells are hidden within an HTML table. The borders disappear, despite being defined for the row and table elements. Does anyone have experience with this specific behavior in Chrome? I've attempted various workarounds without success.


.hide-dm, .hidden, .hide-training, table.hide-dm, table.hide-training, .hide-ca {
    display: none;

.table {
    border: 1px solid #ddd;
    border-collapse: collapse;

.table > tbody > tr {
    border-top: 1px solid #ddd;
Image Link Another Image Link

Answer №1

To ensure your CSS hidden classes work properly, consider placing them on the table cell contents instead of directly on the cells themselves. You can achieve this by using a wrapper element.

<td><div class="hidden">...</div></td>

If you are certain that the table cells will only contain elements (no plain text nodes), you can implement the following CSS solution:

.hidden:not(td), td.hidden * {
  display: none;

Alternatively, if JavaScript is an option for you, you can write a script to iterate through table cells with the specified class, dynamically create wrapper divs with the hidden class, and remove the hidden class from the table cell.

.hidden {
  display: none;

$("td.hidden").removeClass("hidden").wrapInner("<div class='hidden'></div>");

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