Transforming global CSS into CSS modules: A step-by-step guide

In my nextjs project, I am utilizing react-bootstrap and bootstrap which requires me to include the global css:

// _app.js
import 'bootstrap/dist/css/bootstrap.min.css';

The issue arises when loading a significant amount of unused css on every page, causing my Google Lighthouse score to decrease.

Although I have attempted to remove the unused css, there are still lingering styles that are not necessary. Alerts or buttons appear unnecessarily throughout the site, for example.

Is there a method to convert global css into css modules so that only the required styles are imported for each specific page? Perhaps through webpack configuration or another solution?

I could manually split the bootstrap code into components, but I am curious if there is an automated approach available. This way, I wouldn't have to repeat the process for all node_modules requiring styling adjustments.

Answer №1

One downside of Bootstrap is the difficulty in customizing it without removing modules from the core bootstrap.scss file and recompiling a new version. For example, you cannot simply remove @import "accordion"; to eliminate accordion styles.

It may be possible to compile each import as a separate .scss file and load the .css only when necessary, but this approach comes with complexity due to interdependencies that need consideration to avoid duplication of code such as variables, reboot, and functions.

On the other hand, if you are using only a few specific modules like grid.scss, spacing.scss, and buttons.scss, you could easily exclude all others to streamline your project.

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