Dynamic font sizing in CSS allows text on a webpage to

I am working on creating a dynamic screen using AngularJS.

Within this screen, there are objects with a specific size:

  margin: auto;
  margin-bottom: 10px;
  width: 11vw;
  height: 11vw;
  text-overflow: ellipsis;
  overflow: hidden;

These items are inserted through an ng-repeat loop based on the data returned from an API.

<div class="item"
       ng-style="{'background-color':ctrl.color }">
    <div class="itemGlobalCode">{{::ctrl.name}}</div>

The issue I am facing is that the items are round and for better visualization, I want to adjust the font size of the content (in this case ctrl.name) if it exceeds the container size.

I have explored some jQuery solutions but ideally, I would prefer to find a pure CSS solution. Do you have any suggestions?

Answer №1

If you need to adjust the font size dynamically in Angular, there are a few ways to do it. One option is to use ng-style with a ternary expression:


<div class="itemGlobalCode"
     ng-style="{'font-size': ctrl.name.length > 10 ? '12px' : '14px'}"></div>

Another approach is to create a method in your controller to handle the font size logic:



$scope.getFontSize(ctrlName) {
    if (ctrlName.length > 10) {
        return '12px';

    return '14px';

Then, in your view, you can call this method within ng-style:

<div class="itemGlobalCode"
     ng-style="{'font-size': getFontSize(ctrl.name)}"></div>

Lastly, you can utilize ng-class to apply different font sizes based on conditions:

Plus: ng-class

You can also define CSS classes for different font sizes:


.itemSmall {
    font-size: 12px;
.itemBig {
    font-size: 14px

Then, in your view, you can use ng-class to apply these classes dynamically:

<div class="itemGlobalCode"
     ng-class="{'itemSmall': ctrl.name.length > 10, 'itemBig': ctrl.name.length <= 10}"></div>

Answer №2

To implement dynamic CSS classes, you can utilize the ng-class directive

<div class="item"
   ng-class="{'css-class1':condition1, 'css-class2':condition2() }">
<div class="itemGlobalCode">{{::ctrl.name}}</div>

In your controller:

$scope.condition1 = true;
$scope.condition2 = function(input) {
     // Perform calculations or logic with input
    return input.isTrue();

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