Using AJAX to create an interactive dropdown menu with changing options

I have been working on creating a dropdown menu using Ajax.

When hovering over the navigation bar, the menu successfully triggers the Ajax function to display the dropdown options.

The issue arises when attempting to navigate to another page (show_activities.php) by selecting an option from the dropdown menu. The function is called multiple times while hovering over the dropdown menu, preventing proper redirection.

Here is my code snippet for the navigation bar:

<script type="text/javascript">
  // JavaScript code here

<nav id="access" role="navigation">
  <div class="menu">
      <!-- List items with links -->

And below is the PHP file code that needs to be called in the Ajax function:

    // PHP code for database connection and query goes here

In addition, here's some CSS styling used in the project:

@font-face {
  font-family: 'cwTeXHei';
  // Font styles

/* CSS styles for slideshow container, buttons, captions, etc. */
.slideshow-container {
    // Styles here

/* More CSS styles */

.dropdownlist:hover .dropdown-album {
    display: block;

For a visual demonstration of the multiple call issue during hover, click here.

Answer №1

It's recommended to use onmouseenter instead of onmouseover.

Here is the difference between using onmouseover and onmouseenter:

The onmouseover event triggers when the mouse pointer moves onto an element or any of its children.

Whereas, the onmouseenter event only fires when the mouse pointer enters an element.

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