Is there a way to change the font size with a click in JavaScript or Angular?

Here is a breakdown of the 4 steps:

1.) Begin by clicking on a category

2.) The filtered products will be displayed

3.) Select the desired products from the filter

4.) Once selected, the products will appear in the rightmost part of the screen within the 3rd child component

The goal is to have an interactive experience where clicking on a product (in step 3) triggers its addition to the 'right' component and initiates a font size animation. For example, increasing the font size to 28 and then reducing it back to 18.

The service used for adding products to the 3rd component is shared among the child components, facilitating this functionality.

Thank you all for your help!

Answer №1

To start, insert a fresh guideline into the order-quantity-number category:

transition: font-size 1s;

Next, establish an additional selector in your stylesheet:

.order-quantity-number.selected {
   font-size: 48px;

Afterwards, simply assign the 'selected' class to the span element and watch the font size smoothly change. Upon completion of the animation after 1 second, remove the class from the element for the text to revert back. I trust this addresses your inquiry :)

UPDATE: Instructions for Implementation


Incorporate a reference to the span element for convenient access within the code.

<span class="order-quantity-number" #ref>{{receiptItem.quantity}}</span>


Add the following line to utilize 'ref' from the template within the class.

@ViewChild('ref') elRef: ElementRef;

Integrate a setTimeout() invocation inside the click handler to initiate the animation by removing the selected class after a duration of 1 second:

onClick() {
    // 1. apply 'selected' class to the span element

    // 2. eliminate it after 1 second
    setTimeout(() => {
    }, 1000);

Answer №2

If you want to create a simple @Directive that implements the AfterViewInit interface, you can add a class with a larger font-size and then watch for the transitionend event to remove the class.

Here is an example of how to do this:

    selector: `[fontAnimation]`
export class FontAnimationDirective implements AfterViewInit {
        private hostElement: ElementRef
    ) { }

    ngAfterViewInit() {
        const el = this.hostElement.nativeElement as HTMLElement;
        el.addEventListener('animationend', (ev: TransitionEvent) => {
            if (ev.propertyName == 'font-size') {

Keep in mind that transitionend will trigger events for every property with a transition, so make sure to check if the propertyName is equal to font-size.

All you have to do now is create the appropriate css class and don't forget to import it into the correct NgModule.

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