I'm baffled by this unsemantic grid - why is the final div getting pushed below the rest?

I am working with the unsemantic fluid grid system and aiming to create a row of divs that are all in line and together cover 100% of the page.

<div class="grid-container">
  <div class="grid-parent yy name-strip zz"> 
    <div class="yellow-pink-border mobile-grid-20 xx"></div> 
    <div class="green-blue-border mobile-grid-40 xx"></div>
    <div class="red-yellow-border mobile-grid-15 xx"></div>
    <div class="yellow-pink-border mobile-grid-20 xx"></div>
    <div class="green-blue-border mobile-grid-5 xx"></div> 

Calculating it, the total percentage should add up to 100% so why does the last div (green-blue-border mobile-grid-5) move down to the next line when the browser window is resized, typically around 200px on jsfiddle's result?


Despite following the same breakpoint, I cannot seem to figure out what might be causing this issue.

Answer №1

Locate this and substitute it

JSBIN LINK http://jsbin.com/lvtrvd/44Jnx/

.grid-5, .mobile-grid-5, .tablet-grid-5, .grid-10, .mobile-grid-10, .tablet-grid-10, .grid-15, .mobile-grid-15, .tablet-grid-15, .grid-20, .mobile-grid-20, .tablet-grid-20, .grid-25, .mobile-grid-25, .tablet-grid-25, .grid-30, .mobile-grid-30, .tablet-grid-30, .grid-35, .mobile-grid-35, .tablet-grid-35, .grid-40, .mobile-grid-40, .tablet-grid-40, .grid-45, .mobile-grid-45, .tablet-grid-45, .grid-50, .mobile-grid-50, .tablet-grid-50, .grid-55, .mobile-grid-55, .tablet-grid-55, .grid-60, .mobile-grid-60, .tablet-grid-60, .grid-65, .mobile-grid-65, .tablet-grid-65, .grid-70, .mobile-grid-70, .tablet-grid-70, .grid-75, .mobile-grid-75, .tablet-grid-75, .grid-80, .mobile-grid-80, .tablet-grid-80, .grid-85, .mobile-grid-85, .tablet-grid-85, .grid-90, .mobile-grid-90, .tablet-grid-90, .grid-95, .mobile-grid-95, .tablet-grid-95, .grid-100, .mobile-grid-100, .tablet-grid-100, .grid-33, .mobile-grid-33, .tablet-grid-33, .grid-66, .mobile-grid-66, .tablet-grid-66 {
    -webkit-box-sizing: border-box;
    -moz-box-sizing: border-box;
    box-sizing: border-box;
    padding-left: 0px;

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