How to horizontally align a logo image in the appBar using Material-UI (ReactJS)

I recently incorporated a Material UI library into my React project ( and I've been trying to center my logo within the appbar component.

Here is the code that I attempted:

 <AppBar position="sticky" >
                  <img src={'../logo.svg'} className={classes.logo} alt="logo" />

This is how I styled it:

logo: {
        margin: 'auto',
        textAlign: 'center',
        maxWidth: '50%',
        maxHeight: '70%',

It works "sort of". The logo size varies in Chrome and Firefox, while in Internet Explorer it overlaps with the appbar.

I'm seeking a solution to consistently center this logo in the middle of the bar across all browsers.

Answer №1

To see a live demonstration, check out the running example available at this link

 <AppBar position="sticky" >
    <div style={classes.logoHorizontallyCenter}>
      <img src={'../logo.svg'} className={classes.logo} alt="logo" />

Here is the CSS styling:

    var classes = {
  logo: {
    margin: 'auto',
    textAlign: 'center',
    maxWidth: '50%',
    maxHeight: '70%',
  logoHorizontallyCenter: {
    position: 'absolute', 
    left: '50%', 
    top: '50%',
    transform: 'translate(-50%, -50%)'

If you need assistance, it would be helpful to provide an example on sandbox so others can easily assist you.

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