Tips for adjusting image dimensions with url() method in css

I have successfully incorporated collapsible functionality on my page. I would like to display a down arrow image instead of the default '+' symbol on the right side of the collapsible section.

To achieve this, I can use the following CSS code snippet with the url() function:

button.accordion:after {
    content: url("download.jpg");
    color: white;
    font-weight: bold;
    float: right;
    margin-left: 5px;

My question now is, how can I adjust the width and height of the image when using the url() method in CSS? Any insights or suggestions would be greatly appreciated. Thank you in advance!

Just to clarify, I want to set the image directly and not as a background-image. Therefore, I do not consider this query a duplicate question.

Answer №1

When setting the width and height for a URL within a content property, it is not possible. Instead, you can achieve this by utilizing the background-image property in the following manner:

button.accordion:after {
  background-image: url('download.jpg');
  display: inline-block;
  background-size: 15px 15px;

To gain a better understanding, consider the example below:

div::before {
  content: url(image.jpg);

In this case, the image behaves like any other element on the page. It may also be a gradient. Keep in mind that adjusting the dimensions of the image when inserted in this way is not possible. Alternatively, you can insert an image by using an empty string for the content, displaying it as a block element in a certain context, sizing it appropriately, and applying a background-image. This approach allows for resizing the image with background-size. For further information, refer to Css-Tricks.

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