AngularJs - Show the response only upon verifying the correct answer

Let me provide an overview of what has been implemented so far: When a user selects an answer in radio buttons and clicks on "Check Answer", the system displays either "Correct" (in green) or "Incorrect" (in red) in the first answer field. Additionally, the actual correct answer is shown in the "Solution" field (in green). However, there is an issue where the Solution field is displayed even when the answer is incorrect.

To see a sample of this implementation, please follow this link:

    <div data-ng-app="epubApp">
<div data-ng-controller="checkBoxFillinCtrl" data-ng-init="checkBoxData='p50';fillinBlankData='p50';">
<div class="quiz" id="quiz_1">
    <div class="question">
        <h4>1. A 6 m ladder of 20 kg rests with upper end on a smooth wall and lower end on a rough horizontal ground as shown below. Determine the minimum coefficient of friction so that the ladder does not slip?</h4><p class="qimage"><img src="../images/22.png" alt="images"/></p>
    <div class="quiz-object multiple-choice">
        <div class="acontainer" style="margin:0em 1px 2px 1px;border:0px solid;">

                 <div id="check_box_table" >
            <table id="q_table" class="f1" data-ng-class="{'check_box_disabled':inputDisabled}">
                <tbody >


                        <td  style="border:0px solid black;"><span class="check_box cElement"  data-check-box="cb[0]" data-quest-index="0"  data-check-index="0"></span></td>
                        <td >0.14</td>
                        <td  style="border:0px solid black;"><span class="check_box cElement" data-check-box="cb[0]" data-quest-index="0"  data-check-index="1"></span></td>
                        <td >0.29</td>
                        <td  style="border:0px solid black;"><span class="check_box cElement" data-check-box="cb[0]" data-quest-index="0"  data-check-index="2"></span></td>
                        <td >0.19</td>
                        <td  style="border:0px solid black;"><span class="check_box cElement" data-check-box="cb[0]" data-quest-index="0"  data-check-index="3"></span></td>
                        <td >0.35</td>

            <div id="correct1" style="border:1px solid gray;border-radius:5px;color:#616360;background-color:#F3F3F3;margin:1em 0em 2em 1em;font-size:100%;padding:10px;width:80%;">
                <b>Correct or Incorrect?</b>
                <!-- Replace each correct text in the below paragraphs -->
                <td><span class="result" data-ng-class="cb[0].resultClass"></span></td>
            <div id="feedback1" style="border:1px solid gray;border-radius:5px;color:#616360;background-color:#F3F3F3;margin:0em 0em 2em 1em;font-size:100%;padding:10px;width:80%;">
                <!-- Replace each feedback in the below paragraphs -->
                <p class="feedback-text">

                <p data-ng-show="answerVisible" class="feedback-text">
Consider the FBD of the ladder<br/>
A = Normal reaction at lower end<br/>
B = Normal reaction at upper end<br/>
f = frictional force acting at horizontal surface<br/>
W = weight of ladder = 20 * 10 = 200 N<br/>
Considering horizontal and vertical equilibrium<br/>
f = B<br/>
A = W <br/>
So A = 200 N<br/>
Taking moment about lower end<br/>
B * 6 * sin 60&#176; - W * 6/2 * cos 60&#176; = 0<br/>
B * 6 * &#8730;3 /2 = 200 * 3 * &#189; = 300<br/>
B * 3 * &#8730;3 = 300<br/>
B = 100/&#8730;3 = 57.74 N<br/>
f = &#181; * N = B<br/>
&#181; = coefficient of friction <br/>
N = normal reaction = A = W = 200 N<br/>
f = &#181; * 200 = 57.74<br/>
&#181; = 57.74/200 = 0.29

                <p class="feedback-text">
                <p class="feedback-text">

    <div class="submitcontainer">
        <p style="text-align:left;">
            <div class="submit1" style="z-index:2;">
            <button class="resetBtn check"  style="font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;font-weight: bold;color:white;background-color:#616360;font-size:100%;padding:5px;margin-top:1em;margin-right:1em;"  data-ng-show="resetVisible" data-ng-click="onReset()">RESET</button>
            <button class="submitBtn reset" id="reset_1"  style="font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;font-weight: bold;color:white;background-color:#616360;font-size:100%;padding:5px;margin-top:1em;margin-right:1em;"   data-ng-show="submitVisible" data-ng-click="onSubmit()">Check Answer</button>




Any insights or samples you can provide would be greatly appreciated. Thank you for your help.

Answer №1

The main problem lies in the line of code $scope.answerVisible = true;.

To address this issue, you should eliminate $scope.answerVisible = true; from the submit function as it causes the div to become visible each time the Check Answer button is clicked.

To rectify this, I have repositioned the code properly.

Within the validate function, the answer is validated and based on correctness, the value of $scope.answerVisible is set to either true or false.

Below is the updated function:

 function validate() {
  allCorrect = true;
  data.forEach(function (val, index) {
  $scope.cb[index].clickable = false;
  $scope.cb[index].showClass = [];
  var groupCheckCorrect = $scope.cb[index].checked.length ? true : false;
  if (Array.isArray(val)) {
    $scope.cb[index].checked.forEach(function (v, i) {
      if (v) {
        if (val.indexOf(i) > -1) {
          $scope.answerVisible =  true;                   
          $scope.cb[index].showClass[i] = 'correct';
        } else {
          $scope.cb[index].showClass[i] = 'wrong';
          allCorrect = false;
          groupCheckCorrect = false;
  } else {
    $scope.cb[index].checked.forEach(function (v, i) {
      if (v) {
        if (val == i) {
          $scope.answerVisible =  true;                 
          $scope.cb[index].showClass[i] = 'correct';
        } else {
          $scope.cb[index].showClass[i] = 'wrong';
          allCorrect = false;
          groupCheckCorrect = false;

  $scope.cb[index].resultClass = groupCheckCorrect ? "all_correct" : "all_wrong";

/** for fill up */
$scope.inputDisabled = true;
angular.forEach(fillup_data, function (d, i) {
  if ($scope.fill[i] != undefined && d.toLowerCase() == $scope.fill[i].toLowerCase()) {
    $scope.fillResult[i] = fillup_correct;
  } else {
    $scope.fillResult[i] = fillup_wrong;
user_fill_answer = [];
user_fillResult_answer = [];
angular.copy($scope.fill, user_fill_answer);
angular.copy($scope.fillResult, user_fillResult_answer);
/** */


Answer №2

To begin, I must emphasize the importance of using secure practices when it comes to storing sensitive information on the front end. It is crucial not to expose answers in a way that can easily be accessed and exploited by technically savvy users, as this can compromise the system's security.

Instead, consider making an API call to verify and validate the answer when there is a change in options. If the answer is correct, dynamically add a class using ng-class; if incorrect, handle it accordingly.

By following this approach, you can safeguard your correct answers from being exposed to users. If you encounter any challenges along the way, don't hesitate to seek assistance.

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