Enhance your inline content by adding adjacent inline blocks

My objective is to include a "Read More" link alongside a text block, which should appear next to the text without forming a new line or block. The challenge lies in the fact that the content of the text block is created using TinyMCE, resulting in various nested tags such as paragraphs that can disrupt the layout. Instead of manually manipulating the server-side code to rearrange the content, I am exploring the possibility of achieving this with pure CSS. While I am skeptical about the feasibility due to cascading properties, there might be an innovative solution within CSS styling that I have overlooked.

To illustrate my query, I have shared a JSFiddle demonstration here

I appreciate any valuable insights or suggestions on this issue!

Answer №1

Take a look at this demonstration: http://jsfiddle.net/D2RnS/5/

p + p, .adjacentBlock { float : left; }

I floated the second paragraph and the adjacent block to the left. Keep in mind that you should also add some sort of float clearing to the parent container (the <div> in your case)

Answer №2

If you want to add additional elements in css, one way is by using pseudo-elements and assigning an ID to your element:

#box:after {
    content:"This text will be added at the end.";

To see how it works, check out this example: http://jsfiddle.net/D2RnS/14/

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