Tips for aligning placeholder and text at the center in a React Material UI TextField

Existing Layout:

Desired Layout:

The TextField element is displayed as follows:

        helperText="Enter amount to pay"
            startAdornment: <InputAdornment position="start">₹</InputAdornment>

I am trying to horizontally center all content within the TextField. I attempted using textAlign: 'center' but it did not have any effect.

Answer №1

To customize the positionStart rule within the InputAdornment element, you can adjust the margin percentage based on your specific size and styling preferences for the Textfield. One possible approach is as follows (assuming that you are creating your styles using makeStyles, but feel free to modify it accordingly).

If you want to center the helperText, simply include a Typography component in the relevant prop since it requires a node type. Apply a style to the Typography component to align the text centrally:

const useStyles = makeStyles(() => ({
  centerAdornment: {
    marginLeft: "50%" // or adjust as needed
  centerText: {
    textAlign: "center"            

Next, implement the customization:

                      Enter amount to pay
        startAdornment: (
                 classes={{ positionStart: classes.centerAdornment}}

Answer №2

To achieve this effect, adjust the alignment of the Child div and decrease the width of the TextBox. Create a style similar to the following:

const styles = {
   textBox: {
     "& $div": {
        justifyContent: "center",
       "& $input": {
          width: "30%"
   "& $p": {
      alignSelf: "center"

Apply this style to the TextField element like so:

   helperText="Enter amount to pay"
       startAdornment: <InputAdornment position="start">₹</InputAdornment>

For a working example, check out this CodeSandbox link.

Answer №3

If you need assistance, just follow these simple steps:

  style: {
    textAlign: 'center'

Answer №4

style={{ width: '600px', textAlign: 'center' }}

Include this property and test it out

Answer №5

Include inputProps in your Textfield component to center the text either for input or placeholder.

  inputProps={{ style: { textAlign: 'center' } }}

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