Start fresh with your list styling in Sass/CSS

I'm attempting to revert ul and li elements to their default styles using a specific class, but I'm encountering difficulties in doing so. I've experimented with the inherit and initial values, but they haven't proven effective.

This is my current approach:

ul, li {
    margin: 0;
    padding: 0;

What I aim to achieve is to create a class named .list-unset that resets the child DOM elements to browser defaults rather than inheriting margin: 0 and padding: 0.

I've made an attempt like this:

.list-unset {
    ul, li {
        margin: unset;
        padding: unset;

Unfortunately, this approach didn't yield the desired results.

Answer №1

To properly reset the styling of a <ul> element, the best practice is to use the inherit CSS property:

ul, li {
  margin: 0;
  padding: 0;

ul.unset, ul.unset > li {
  margin: inherit;
  padding: inherit;

<ul class="unset">

It's important to note that this inherited value comes from the parent element. Any styles applied to the parent will affect the target element. In the absence of specific rules, the default values will be used.

If resetting through inheritance doesn't work for your scenario, you can manually apply the default styles to the <ul> element with higher specificity:

ul, li {
  margin: 0;
  padding: 0;

ul.unset {
  margin-left: 16px;
  margin-top: 1em;
  margin-bottom: 1em;

ul.unset > li {
  margin: 1px 0;

<ul class="unset">

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