Step-by-step guide to implementing a floating action button on the bottom-right corner of a screen using Material-UI in a React application

I have been attempting to place the FloatingActionButton on the bottom right corner of the screen. To achieve this, I am utilizing the following library:

import React, { Component } from "react";
import logo from "./logo.svg";
import "./App.css";

import AppBar from "material-ui/AppBar";
import FloatingActionButton from "material-ui/FloatingActionButton";
import MuiThemeProvider from "material-ui/styles/MuiThemeProvider";
import * as strings from "./Strings";
import styles from "./Styles";
import ContentAdd from "material-ui/svg-icons/content/add";

const AppBarTest = () =>

class App extends Component {
  render() {
    return (
          <AppBarTest />
          <FloatingActionButton style={styles.fab}>
            <ContentAdd />


export default App;


const style = {
    fab: {
        backgroundColor: '#000000'

export default style;

Question 1

The current placement of the FloatingActionButton is at the top-left side, but I desire to position it on the bottom-right side. How can I accomplish this?

Question 2

Why are styles not being applied to the FloatingActionButton?

Answer №1

Consider implementing this design:

const fabulousStyle = {
    right: 20,
    position: 'fixed'

When applying additional styles like margin or top, avoid using auto with position: fixed

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