Why doesn't jQuery UI's addClass method animate visibility like it should?

One of the advantageous features of jQuery UI is its enhancement of the jQuery addClass method, which enables animation by including a second parameter for 'duration', as shown below:

$('div').addClass('someclass', 1000);

This works smoothly for CSS properties like color, background-color, width, height, etc.

However, transitions such as visibility:hidden -> visibility:visible and display:none -> display:block do not fade in gracefully as expected. They simply appear when the duration is complete after adding the class.

I vaguely recall seeing smooth transitions with these CSS types in jQuery UI before. Does anyone else know if this is or has been achievable?

Although I'm familiar with the fadeIn and fadeOut methods, as well as the animate method, I prefer to prioritize my stylesheets over loading my scripts with style animation logic.

CSS3 transitions can achieve the same effect, but I am seeking a more widely supported solution.

Answer №1

display and visibility don't offer transitional effects - they're simply binary, either visible or hidden.

To achieve a fading effect, the recommended approach is to adjust the opacity of the element.

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