Tips for reducing the JavaScript file size outputted by a liquid template generator

Currently, I am working on enhancing the performance of my Shopify website and GoogleSpeed Insights is suggesting that I minify css and js files.

However, the recommended files are all created by the liquid template generator, making it challenging to utilize the common minify tools that are out there.

If anyone has encountered this issue before and has some advice to share, I would greatly appreciate it.

Thank you.

Answer №1

When attempting to minify a file that contains Liquid templating code, an error may be encountered. However, there is a workaround to successfully minify JavaScript files with Liquid templating code, though it does require some manual effort.

The workaround involves replacing all Liquid templating code with unique random strings and keeping track of these replacements. By using a file diff application, it is possible to identify where these replacements need to be made by comparing the original .js.liquid file with the modified .js file. Once the modified file is minified using a JavaScript minification tool, the random unique strings can be replaced with their respective original code snippets.

This technique proved useful for optimizing a theme to achieve a higher PageSpeed Insights score. By minifying, combining, and compressing multiple .js.liquid files, significant improvements in performance were achieved.

Answer №2

I haven't had the chance to test this for pagespeed, but it seems to be functioning fine at the HTML level.

When working on Business Catalyst, I found that I can achieve the following using liquid syntax:

{% assign allData = {{myInformation|json}} -%}

{{allData | remove: ' '}} 

I'm not sure if this could impact pagespeed performance, but it's worth giving it a shot.

This code snippet effectively removes any spaces present in myData.json, which is dynamically generated.

Answer №3

For the past 7 months, I have been using this amazing app that I absolutely adore. It has the ability to convert and compress files effortlessly.

Personally, I utilize SASS as my CSS preprocessor, and this app has been instrumental in helping me maintain clean code. Here's my method for condensing 10 files into one and compressing it:

  1. Start by creating 10 .sass files.
  2. Next, create an additional .sass file where you will import all the previous files into one, which I like to call main.sass.
  3. Utilize the app to merge all the files into one and convert it to main.css.
  4. For debugging purposes, keep the main.css and create another css file named main-dist.css.
  5. Leverage the app to compress main.css into main-dist.css.

Following these steps, you will have 2 distinct css files - one uncompressed for website creation and debugging, and one compressed for final styling once your site is running smoothly.

Interestingly, I have chosen not to acquaint myself with Grunt or Gulp, and I find this app appealing due to its straightforwardness.

By the way, I am currently using the trial version (which is free) and intend to purchase the app once I have client projects on the horizon.

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