What impact do varying screen sizes have on the width of CSS?

Can someone explain what this CSS code actually does:

.class { width: 800px; }

I've noticed that on my laptop screen, the element appears to be exactly 800 pixels wide. However, when I view it on my tablet screen, it shows up as 1600 pixels wide. This discrepancy made me wonder if it has something to do with the pixel density of my tablet.

What I find interesting is that even though the element's specified width remains the same, the physical size varies greatly between my laptop and my tablet. So, my question is: When setting dimensions in CSS for an HTML element, what is the point of reference? How does it adapt or scale across different displays?

Answer №1

A reference point is like a coordinate system that can be adjusted in relation to the actual physical screen size.

On most PCs, the scale is typically set at 1:1. However, as computer screens continue to grow in size, it's becoming more common to see scaled-up displays that may impact how websites appear on browsers.

Users also have the ability to zoom in or out on their browser, which directly affects the overall scaling of the content.

Devices such as tablets and phones often come with a default scaling of 2:1 or even higher in web browsers. This means that the browser reports a smaller screen size, causing everything to be magnified. As a result, media queries may not function as expected since they rely on the browser-reported screen size rather than the true physical dimensions.

If the viewport is not locked using a meta tag, mobile browsers will automatically adjust the page to fit the screen, making any specified page width appear the same regardless of the device's actual screen size.

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