Using single-line ellipsis with the Material-UI select and option components

I have a TableHead Component with multiple columns. Among them is a <Select> element that allows users to filter the table content based on one of four statuses. I am trying to implement an ellipsis at the end of the option string if it exceeds its container's width.

The issue I'm facing is that material-ui's styles are affecting the Select component, making it difficult to apply custom styles such as adding ellipsis text overflow.

While researching, I found that material-UI supports the `noWrap` property and `textOverflow: "ellipsis"`, but I'm struggling to find the right combination for my specific case.

The desired outcome is to display an ellipsis if the text surpasses its parent container size. For example, instead of showing the full text like "Contribution...", I would like it to be truncated to "Contrib...". However, the Material-UI Select component SVG icon overlays the text.

Despite trying various options and methods, I haven't been able to achieve the expected result. I've experimented with changing colors to check if the styles are affecting the component, which they are.

<Grid item sm={2} lg={2} style={{display: 'flex', alignItems:'center'}}>
    <Select native style={{ textOverflow: "ellipsis", overflow: "hidden", whiteSpace: "pre" }}
            onChange={this.handleChange.bind(this, Filter.Status)}>
        {Object.keys(StatusFilter).filter(key => !isNaN(Number(StatusFilter[key])).map(item => {
            return (<option key={item} value={StatusFilter[item]}>{this.getStatus(StatusFilter[item])}</option>);

Answer №1

There are two key points to consider here: firstly, a native select element does not have the capability to display ellipsis as the text-overflow property is designed for block elements only. For further information on this, please refer to Is it possible to make text-overflow:ellipsis for select with css only?

If you wish to pursue this approach, there is also the use of the inputProps attribute which allows you to pass properties to the underlying input element. By applying a style to the native input element as shown below:

   <Select native inputProps={{ style: { width: 100 } }}>{...}</Select>

Alternatively, if you remove the native attribute, the ellipsis effect should be automatically applied when the text within the select box exceeds its size.

Answer №2

After investigating, I discovered that the ellipses were not showing up on the non-native Select component due to the display: flex style being applied to the 'MuiSelect-root' component.

To resolve this issue, simply change it to display:block and the ellipsis should appear as intended.

Answer №3

              error={touched.question && Boolean(errors.question)}
              <InputLabel id="demo-simple-select-outlined-label">Question</InputLabel>
                <MenuItem value="">
                <MenuItem value={1}>1</MenuItem>
                <MenuItem value={2}>2</MenuItem>
                <MenuItem value={3}>3</MenuItem>
                <MenuItem value={4}>4</MenuItem>
              <FormHelperText error={touched.question && Boolean(errors.question)}>{errors.question}</FormHelperText>

And add class: formControl: { width: "100%", },

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