Tips for creating text that adjusts to the size of a div element

I'm currently working on developing my e-commerce website. Each product is showcased in its own separate div, but I've encountered a challenge. The issue arises when the product description exceeds the limits of the div, causing it to overflow outside of its boundaries. Here's an illustration that depicts the problem:

As illustrated, there are three key obstacles that I aim to overcome:

  • I intend to restrict the text within the confines of the div.
  • I want to ensure that the truncation doesn't occur midway through a word.
  • I would also like to include a "read more" link at the end of the previewed description.

While browsing through various e-commerce platforms, I noticed this feature implemented numerous times. Despite conducting extensive research for hours, I haven't come across a clear-cut solution for implementing this functionality.

Here's the code snippet responsible for generating all the product cards:

for($i = 0; $i<$numberOfItems; $i++) {
    //echo $output_array[$i]["itemName"];
    echo '<a href="/itemDetails.php?itemCode=';echo $output_array[$i]["itemCode"]; echo '&itemName='; echo $output_array[$i]["itemName"];echo'">
    <div id="item" style="background-color: transparent; width:243px;height:auto;float:left; margin-left:20px; margin-top:20px; max-width:800px; display:inline-block;">
    <div id="itemPicture" class="itemImage"; > 
    <div id="price" class="pricetag">
    <div id="priceText" class="priceText";>';
    echo "€".$output_array[$i]["itemPrice"];

    echo '</div></div>';
    $imageSource = "".$output_array[$i]["firstImage"].".jpg";
    echo '<img src="';echo $imageSource; echo'" style="max-width:100%; border:0px;"> 


    <div id="itemName" class="itemName"">';
        echo $output_array[$i]["itemName"];
    echo '</div>'; ?>

    <div id="itemDescription" class="itemDescription" style="height:">
    <?php  echo $output_array[$i]["itemDescription"];
    echo '</div>';

    echo '<div id="itemComment" class="itemComment"">
          Lees verder! 


If anyone has insights on resolving these issues, your assistance would be greatly appreciated. Thank you in advance!


Following suggestions provided, I delved into the concept of "Line Clamping," which involves CSS or Javascript methodologies to achieve the desired outcome. By incorporating both the Javascript code from musically_ut and the CSS approach by Unamata Sanatarai, I was able to make progress:

Efforts have been fruitful thus far as the text no longer spills beyond the div borders. However, two challenges persist:

  • The truncated text sometimes extends below the footer of my product card inexplicably.
  • Occasionally, words get cutoff unnaturally (in Dutch, the missing word should be "beschikt").

Your recommendations and suggestions are welcomed.

PS: The second screenshot reflects the CSS integration since the Javascript implementation only functioned correctly with one product card (possibly due to the dynamic generation via PHP 'for' loop).

Answer №1

If you're looking to clamp multiple lines of text, CSS only allows clamping of the first line. While Webkit/Opera do offer some support for clamping multiple lines, it may not be sufficient for your needs.

There are various workarounds available, including an all-CSS solution detailed in this resource. You can also explore more options in this article:

For a reliable solution, consider utilizing javascript with tools like Clamp.js to achieve the desired multi-line clamping effect.

Answer №2

Utilizing CSS text-overflow along with Line Clamping:

div {
  display: block; 
  display: -webkit-box;
  width: 200px;
  height: 40px;
  margin: 0 auto;
  -webkit-line-clamp: 3;
  -webkit-box-orient: vertical;
  text-overflow: ellipsis;

Check out the live demo here:

Answer №3

Take a look at my custom Fiddle:

The script within the fiddle positions the link labeled Know More precisely at the bottom-right corner of a div with limited area and overflow set to hidden, adjusting according to screen size. When Know More is clicked, it toggles the visibility of the overflowing content.


/* If id name of div containing text changes, only this script modification is needed */
var txtCont = $('#wrappingText');
var lines = txtCont.get(0).getClientRects();

jQuery.fn.exists = function(){return this.length>0;}

function debugTxt(txt)
    var lineHeight = txtCont.css('line-height').replace("px", '');
    var txtContHeight = txtCont.height();
    if (txt*lineHeight>txtContHeight){
       txtCont.parent().append('<div class="knowMore">Know </div>');


Appropriate CSS usage is crucial for achieving the correct output. Below is the CSS utilized in the fiddle:


    overflow:visible !important;

    width:auto !important;
    height:auto !important;


<div class="container">
<div class="wrapper">
<div class="wrappingText"></div>

The structure above should be followed for the plugin used in the fiddle. You are free to use any class names you prefer. In the given HTML, the div named wrappingText contains the text and must be enclosed within another div. In this case, wrappingText is wrapped within a div with the classname wrapper.

To utilize the plugin, simply call it with the class name of the text-containing div and pass the main parent class name as a parameter:

$('.wrappingText').knowMoreLess('.container'); // CALLING PLUGIN

Additional instructions and details have been included in the comments in the updated fiddle below:

Updated Fiddle

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