The nth-child selector is not functioning correctly with material-ui components

Trying to figure out how to give two paragraphs different background colors using nth-child. Here's the JSX:

<div className={classes.paragraphs}>
    <p>Test 1</p>
    <p>Test 2</p>

And the CSS:

const useStyles = makeStyles(() => ({

  paragraphs: {
    backgroundColor: "blue",
    "&:nth-child(1)": {
       backgroundColor: "green"

Despite specifying a green background for the first paragraph, both paragraphs end up with a blue background.

Answer №1

In my opinion, you should consider using "p:nth-child(1)" in place of "&:nth-child(1)" since the elements you are targeting are <p>.

Answer №2

To implement scss styling, it is important to include the code within the .scss file only. One way to approach this is:

Specify the style for the first paragraph as follows: Paragraphs:nth-child(1): { backgroundColor: "green" }

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