Issue with color display inconsistency in webgrid across various segments

My goal is to display section status colors in a webgrid and divide them percentage-wise, but I am facing issues with some of the rows.

Here is the cshtml script for the webgrid section status:

webGrid.Column(header: "Section Status", format: @
    <table class="" cellpadding="5" cellspacing="0" style="width: 100%;">
             <td id="inProgresswd" width="@item.InProgressPC%" title="@item.InProgressPC%"></td>
             <td id="respPendingwd" width="@item.ResponsePendingPC%" title="@item.ResponsePendingPC%"></td>
             <td id="revPendingwd" width="@item.ReviewPendingPC%" title="@item.ReviewPendingPC%"></td>
             <td id="acceptedwd" width="@item.AcceptedPC%" title="@item.AcceptedPC%"></td>
             <td id="rejectedwd" width="@item.RejectedPC%" title="@item.RejectedPC%"></td>
             <td id="ftReciverwd" width="@item.FwdToRecieverPC%" title="@item.FwdToRecieverPC%"></td>
    , style: "SectionStatus"),

The color should be displayed percentage-wise and if the percentage is zero, the color should not appear in the grid. In the image provided, only four status colors should appear as they have percentage values of 25. However, five colors are showing up for the highlighted row.

Answer №1

table-layout: fixed can resolve the issue you are facing, although there might still be a 1px wide cell if you use the html width attribute instead of css.

table {
  table-layout: fixed;

tr > td#inProgresswd {
  background: #faa;

tr > td#respPendingwd {
  background: #afa;

tr > td#revPendingwd {
  background: #aaf;

tr > td#acceptedwd {
  background: #ffa;

tr > td#rejectedwd {
  background: #aff;

tr > td#ftReciverwd {
  background: #faf;
<table cellpadding="5" cellspacing="0" style="width: 100%;">
      <td id="inProgresswd" width="25%" title="25%"></td>
      <td id="respPendingwd" width="0%" title="0%"></td>
      <td id="revPendingwd" width="0%" title="0%"></td>
      <td id="acceptedwd" width="25%" title="25%"></td>
      <td id="rejectedwd" width="25%" title="25%"></td>
      <td id="ftReciverwd" width="25%" title="25%"></td>

<br />

<table cellpadding="5" cellspacing="0" style="width: 100%;">
      <td id="inProgresswd" style="width: 25%;" title="25%"></td>
      <td id="respPendingwd" style="width: 0%;" title="0%"></td>
      <td id="revPendingwd" style="width: 0%;" title="0%"></td>
      <td id="acceptedwd" style="width: 25%;" title="25%"></td>
      <td id="rejectedwd" style="width: 25%;" title="25%"></td>
      <td id="ftReciverwd" style="width: 25%;" title="25%"></td>

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