Rails: How come my personalized stylesheet isn't taking priority over the font family?

I have included the Skeleton boilerplate css in my application from this source. It can be found within the directory app/assets/stylesheets.

├── application.css
├── custom.scss
├── normalize.css
└── skeleton.css

The default font family used by Skeleton is sans-serif, with Raleway at the top. I am looking to change this font style.

In order to customize the font, my SCSS file includes the following:

@import "skeleton";

body {
  font-family: serif;

main {
  @extend .container;

However, despite these changes, the font continues to display as sans-serif.

It seems that my custom SCSS file may be loading before the Skeleton file, as without the @import "skeleton", the @extend .container (which is defined in Skeleton) does not take effect.

I have attempted to ensure that my custom stylesheet loads last by including it in the last position in application.css like so:

 *= require_tree .
 *= require_self
 *= require custom

I have also tried different combinations with Skeleton and its associated normalize sheet:

 *= require_tree .
 *= require_self
 *= require normalize
 *= require skeleton
 *= require custom

Despite these efforts, I still find myself needing to import Skeleton in my custom file and having to use !important in order to override the font-family property.

This situation raises the question - Could my custom stylesheet be loading before Skeleton, and how can I ensure that my stylesheet is loaded last?

Answer №1

One clever workaround is to change the name of your style sheet to something like z.css - this way, it will be loaded last when style sheets are alphabetically organized. It may not be the most conventional approach, but it's a handy little trick.

Answer №2

"If you remove the line "require_tree ." in the CSS directory, it will no longer require all CSS files within that directory.

*= require normalize
*= require skeleton
*= require custom
*= require_self

Additionally, if you use @import in custom.scss, there is no need to add it to the assets pipeline manifest as the sass precompiler handles this automatically.

*= require normalize
*= require custom
*= require_self

In my opinion, it's best practice not to mix @imports from scss with manifest declarations in the assets pipeline as it can make it harder to track where specific code is being applied.

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