Screen proportions altered - Background image disappearing | Unusual occurrences |

If you look at my site everything seems to be ok, ... untill you minimize the website. A horizontal scrollbar appears and when you use that scrollbar, you will see that my image has vanished.

My Website

I made that image i have no idea why it is dissapearing...

I'm going to make the entire website responsive but i'm just doing it standard for now...kind of a trial. So i just want my bar to stay in the middle. I did this with the margin:0 auto...

When taking this out of my code it seems to be solved, yet i don't understand why this is obstructing my site...

    margin:0 auto;

Answer №1

You have successfully updated your navigation menu:

.navtop {
  width: 800px;

  /*Additional styling*/

However, this fixed width may cause issues when the browser is resized, resulting in a horizontal scrollbar. To address this, I recommend changing the width to a percentage value for a more dynamic layout:

.navtop {
  width: 80%;

  /*Additional styling*/

In order to maintain responsiveness, it's best to avoid static widths. For further guidance on responsive design, consider exploring frameworks like Bootstrap and Foundation.

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