How do I efficiently render multiple form field components in React CSS when two of them have different flex directions?

I need to find a way to dynamically iterate through multiple input components. All inputs follow the same style pattern except for 'first name' and 'last name', which should be aligned in one row with different widths.

<div style={{flexDirection: 'column'}}>
<div style={{flexDirection: 'row'}}>
       placeholder="First name"
       placeholder="Last name"
Object.entries({firstname: 'Fist Name', lastname: 'Last Name', email: 'Email', password: 'Password', passwordConfirm: 'Confirm Password'}).map(item=> {
    return (

Is there a way to loop through all input fields while accommodating the unique styling requirements of two of them? I appreciate any suggestions!

Answer №1

To efficiently utilize the array obtained from Object.entries, ensure you destructure it to handle the initial two entries, representing first and last names, in a distinct manner:

// Consider using `useMemo` if there's a chance of object mutation
const [firstName, lastName, ...fields] = Object.entries({firstname: 'First Name', lastname: 'Last Name', email: 'Email', password: 'Password', passwordConfirm: 'Confirm Password'});

// Constructing your template
return {
  <div style={{flexDirection: 'column'}}>
    <div style={{flexDirection: 'row'}}>
    {> (

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