How can you gradually fade out the bottom edge of a rendered component until it is re-rendered?

Currently, I am developing a reviews microservice for an e-commerce platform using react and react-bootstrap. My goal is to showcase 5 reviews initially, followed by a button to expand and reveal more reviews. In order to achieve this, I envision the bottom edge of my review components within the reviewList component to be faded until the user clicks on the expand button.

I found a perfect example on Etsy that captures exactly how I want it to look.

Despite experimenting with various CSS techniques and react-bootstrap, I have been unsuccessful in achieving the desired effect. Specifically, I only want the bottom portion of the entire reviewList component to fade out.

Take a look at this example:

In the example provided, you can see that the bottom of the last review fades out.

Ultimately, my expectation is to keep the bottom area faded until the expand button is clicked. However, all my attempts have only resulted in animating or fading each individual review component.

Answer №1

To give the container component a unique style, consider adding a pseudo-element to the bottom edge with a background that transitions from transparent to semi-transparent to opaque. You can achieve this by creating a pseudo-element for the container and setting its background-image using a linear gradient with rgba colors (the "a" in rgba represents transparency).

Another option is to create a background with the desired effect in Photoshop and use that as the background image.

<div className="review-list-container">
    <ReviewList />

.review-list-container::after {
  content: '';
  position: absolute;
  display: block;
  width: 300px;
  height: 100px;
  bottom: 50px;
  background-image: linear-gradient(to bottom, rgba(255,0,0,0), rgba(255,0,0,1)); /
  /* Alternatively, create the desired gradient effect as a PNG in Photoshop */

For an example, check out

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