Upon the initial hover, the data added to the title tag following an Ajax call is not appearing

I am currently working on an ajax request that retrieves information such as username, email, and user_id. Once the ajax call is successful, I use jQuery to append this data to the title tag. The main issue I am facing is that the data is only displayed after hovering for the second time, not on the first attempt.

Below is the code snippet:

function showProfile(i)
    var user = $("#user_id_"+i).html();
    var business = <?php echo $this->identity()->getBusiness()->getId() ?>;
        'url': '/user/account/external/profile',
        'success': function (data) {
            var message = "Fullname : "+data.first_name+" "+data.last_name+" Email : "+data.email;
            $("#user_id_"+i).attr('title',data.first_name+'\n'+data.last_name+'\n' +data.email); 

Here is the HTML code initiating the ajax call:

<a id="user_id_btn_'.$k.'" class="user_id_btn" onmouseover="showProfile('.$k.')" onmouseout="hideProfile('.$k.')"><span id="user_id_'.$k.'">'.$iResult[$k][4].'</span></a>

Is there a way to improve this setup so that the data shows on hover during the first attempt?

Answer №1

indicates that when the mouse cursor is placed over this particular element, a specific function will be executed.
If you were to trigger an AJAX request upon hovering, it would initiate the call but not fetch any data until the browser processes the tooltip.
Upon a second hover, the information retrieved from the initial call will be displayed.
To avoid needing the onmouseover attribute, consider setting up the tooltip in advance so that it only appears when hovered over ;)

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