Scrolling without limits - cylindrical webpage (CSS/JS)

Is it possible to create a page that infinitely scrolls from top to top without going straight back to the top, but instead showing the bottom content below after reaching it? Imagine being able to scroll up and see the bottom above the top like a 3D cylinder page. Unfortunately, most resources only discuss blog-style infinite top-to-bottom scrolling.

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html xmlns="">
<meta charset="utf-8" />
<script src=""></script>
body {
  background: #000;
  text-align: center;
#frame {
  width: 100%;
  height: 100%;
.strip div {
  position: relative;
  height: 200px;
.strip #div01 {
.strip #div02 {
.strip #div03 {
.strip #div04 {
.strip #div05 {
.strip #div06 {
.strip #div07 {
.strip #div08 {
.strip #div09 {
.strip #div10 {
.strip #div11 {
.strip #div12 {
<body >
<div id="container">
<div class="strip">
<div id="div01"><br/>&darr;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&uarr;</div>
<div id="div02"><br/>&darr;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&uarr;</div>
<div id="div03"><br/>&darr;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&uarr;</div>
<div id="div04"><br/>&darr;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&uarr;</div>
<div id="div05"><br/>&darr;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&uarr;</div>
<div id="div06"><br/>&darr;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&uarr;</div>
<div id="div07"><br/>&darr;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&uarr;</div>
<div id="div08"><br/>&darr;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&uarr;</div>
<div id="div09"><br/>&darr;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&uarr;</div>
<div id="div10"><br/>&darr;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&uarr;</div>
<div id="div11"><br/>&darr;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&uarr;</div>
<div id="div12"><br/>&darr;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&uarr;</div>

$('document').ready(function() {
      if (document.documentElement.clientHeight + $(window).scrollTop() >= $(document).height()) {

Answer №1

Once, I implemented a similar concept but specifically for lists of items rather than any random HTML content.

The main concept involves using a virtual list where only a limited number of items are displayed on the screen at a time - essentially creating a sliding window effect. As the user scrolls, new items are loaded in and old items are removed from view.

This approach makes implementing infinite scroll quite straightforward - when the user reaches the end of the current set of items, new items are loaded starting from the beginning again.

When it comes to dealing with arbitrary markup and styling, achieving this functionality perfectly may not be entirely feasible. The complexities of absolute positioning, floating elements, etc., make it challenging to implement seamlessly.

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