A combination table featuring both fixed and scrolling columns

I'm struggling with a table design where I want part of it to be fixed and the rest to be scrollable.

My goal is to achieve something similar to this example, but within a single table structure.

If interested, you can view an example here.

I found a JSFiddle that enables scrolling, but I'm having trouble integrating the correct CSS classes to make some parts of the table fixed while others are scrollable.

You can find the JSFiddle here.

So far, here's the snippet of CSS code I've come up with:

#big_table {
  overflow-x: scroll;

.fixed_cols {


.scrollable_area {

Ideally, I would like the section containing the months and their corresponding totals to be scrollable, while the left-most three columns remain fixed.

Does anyone know how to properly implement the .fixed_cols and .scrollable_area classes?

Answer №1

Have you considered using nested tables for this layout? The only way to achieve the desired structure might be by nesting <div> elements within <td> elements.

Check out this link for an example.

UPDATE: Using nested tables did not solve all issues, such as aligning titles with columns and implementing horizontal scrolling for months.

Nevertheless, I was curious about this challenge and continued exploring possible solutions. If you are open to unconventional methods and don't mind nesting tables in a slightly questionable manner...

Take a look at this alternative approach.

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