The appearance of my sidebar items' right border varies depending on the web browser being used

My sidebar item's right border appears differently in Mozilla and Chrome. How can I resolve this issue?

Here are the images from both browsers:

"use client";
import { cn } from "@/lib/utils";
import { LucideIcon } from "lucide-react"
import { usePathname, useRouter } from "next/navigation";

interface SidebarItemProps {
    icon: LucideIcon;
    label: string;
    href: string;

export const SidebarItem = ({ icon: Icon, label, href }: SidebarItemProps) => {
    const pathname = usePathname()
    const router = useRouter()

    const isActive =
        (pathname === "/" && href === "/") ||
        pathname === href ||

    const onClick = () => {

    return (
                "flex items-center gap-x-2 text-slate-500 text-sm font-[500] pl-6 transition-all hover:text-slate-600 hover:bg-slate-300/20", isActive && "text-sky-700 bg-sky-200/20 hover:bg-sky-200/20 hover:text-sky-700"
            <div className="flex items-center gap-x-2 py-4">
                        isActive && "text-sky-700"
            {/* Right Active Border */}
                    "ml-auto opacity-0 border-2 border-sky-700 h-full transition-all",
                    isActive && "opacity-100"

I'm aiming for consistent display across all browsers like Mozilla and Chrome.

Answer №1

Perhaps consider removing the "items-center" from the button's class list.

This declaration in the CSS gives the button an alignment of center, potentially overriding the default display: flex; align-items property.

The default value for align-items is stretch, which means items within the flex container will expand to fill the available space evenly in terms of height.

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