What is the best way to adjust the size of a column when hovering

What I am attempting to achieve is,

I would like the column box to have a 100% width, and when it is hovered over, I want it to transition to the left, with the width of the column box being about 60%, revealing a second block that shows up as 20% width only when you hover over the first block.

You can find my css and html in this link.

Think of it like this:

For example, if I use

<div main>
 <div left60%>
  <div right40%>
</div main>

When hovering over the main div, the left div should maintain a 60% width, while the right div maintains a 40% width.

Answer №1

It's not entirely clear what your goal is, but I believe this solution may be what you're looking for: JSFIDDLE

I updated the code for your box to:


In addition, I included this snippet to show block20 when hovering over .box:

.box:hover + .block20{

To ensure that block20 remains hidden until triggered, I set its display property to none.

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