Tips for utilizing both the Element Selector and Class Selector in Jquery

I am working with a simple table that has TDs assigned either the 'PLUS' or 'MINUS' class.

My goal is to use jQuery to implement functionality for collapsing all or expanding all.

When the Expand All button is clicked, I need to change the 'PLUS' class to 'MINUS' for all TDs currently having the 'PLUS' class.

Conversely, when the Collapse All button is clicked, I should replace the 'MINUS' class with 'PLUS'.

I am struggling with identifying all TDs with the 'PLUS' class and iterating through them to modify their classes.

If anyone has any suggestions, please let me know. Thank you!

Answer №1

Instead of having to iterate through elements, jQuery can conveniently handle this for you.

The question is a bit unclear about your specific goal, but you can achieve the following:

  • To change from .plus to .minus, use

    $(".plus").toggleClass("plus minus")
  • To toggle between .plus and .minus on all elements that have either class, do

    $(".plus, .minus").toggleClass("plus minus")

Answer №2

A way to target an element using a class selector is by using the format {tag}.{class}

// On click, switch all classes to td.minus
    $('').toggleClass('plus minus')

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