Why does the styling of the inner Span adhere to the style of the outer Span?

How can I adjust the opacity of the color "blue" to 1 in the code snippet below?

<!DOCTYPE html>

<p>My mom's eyes are 
<span style="color:blue;font-weight:bold;opacity:0">
  <span style="color:blue;font-weight:bold;opacity:1">blue</span>
</span> and my dad's eyes are 
<span style="color:darkolivegreen;font-weight:bold">dark green</span>.


Answer №1

opacity is passed down from the parent element. Consider using rgba color instead, where a represents the transparency level.

<!DOCTYPE html>

<p>My mother's eyes are <span style="color:rgba(0,0,255,0);font-weight:bold;"><span style="color:rgba(0,0,255,1);font-weight:bold;">blue</span></span>, and my father's eyes are <span style="color:darkolivegreen;font-weight:bold">dark green</span>.</p>


Answer №2

When setting opacity for an element, keep in mind that "1" equals 100%. To achieve a lower opacity, such as 36%, you would set the opacity to "0.36". If you want to set the opacity of a span element to 0.01, you should specify it in the style attribute as opacity:0.01;

<!DOCTYPE html>

<p>My mother has <span style="color:blue;font-weight:bold;opacity:0"><span style="color:blue;font-weight:bold;opacity:0.01;">blue</span></span> eyes and my father has <span style="color:darkolivegreen;font-weight:bold">dark green</span> eyes.</p>


(it may be challenging to see at such a low opacity)

Answer №3

Expanding on my previous comments, it seems that the responses have not fully addressed the main point of your question and your counter argument in the comments. Achieving what you are looking for with a parent and child relationship is impossible; instead, you would need siblings within the parent with varying opacities while keeping the parent's opacity unchanged.

An element with zero opacity essentially acts as an invisibility cloak, hiding everything it contains, including text nodes and other elements inside it. Using a <div> will yield the same result as using a <span>: the child element remains unseen because it is shielded by its opaque parent.

In your example from the comments, where you wrapped an <h1> element within a <p> element like this:

<p style="opacity: 0;">
  <h1 style="opacity: 1;">blue</h1>

The browser corrects for this mistake of nesting block-level elements within each other. The rendered DOM structure looks like:

<p style="opacity: 0;"></p>
  <h1 style="opacity: 1;">blue</h1>

This correction happens because certain elements like p and h1 are only allowed to contain phrasing content. When flow content like headings are introduced, the browser assumes there was a mistake in closing the paragraph before the heading, leading to the displayed correction.

If you try selecting the child element based on the parent with classes like this:

<p class="parent">
  <h1 class="child">blue</h1>

.parent > .child {
  color: blue;

You'll notice that the "child" element does not render as a child due to the opacity issue.

To summarize, a child cannot override the opacity of its parent, even at full opacity itself, as the parent element shields it from view. The seemingly working counter example actually displays incorrectly because the code is technically incorrect and corrected by the browser.

Answer №4

The behavior of opacity and display is unique in that they do not work the same way as font-size when applied to a parent element. In this case, the styles are not inherited by its children unless specifically overridden.

If a parent element has opacity:0 or display:none, all of its children will also become invisible regardless of their own styles because the parent element is not visible.

An analogy for this scenario is like requesting a dragon to disappear but questioning why its intestines are still visible.

However, if you have

, the h1 tag will be present inside the p tag. Does the same apply to span tags?

No, this behavior does not extend to any other tag. If the parent element is invisible, then all of its child elements will also be rendered invisible due to the visibility state of the parent.

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