What is the best way to remove a CSS style using JavaScript?

For my website automation using Selenium, I encountered a challenging dropdown that was not the standard native one but a custom-designed version. To tackle this issue, I needed to set its CSS class to hidden in order to access the native functionality smoothly.

Here is the dropdown before clicking on it:

And here is how it appeared after setting the CSS class to hidden:

Now, my question is how can I achieve this automatically with JavaScript? I attempted the following approach without success:

 var js:JavascriptExecutor = driver.asInstanceOf[JavascriptExecutor]
    js.executeScript("$('.selectpicker select').removeClass('bs-select-hidden')") 

I would appreciate any help or suggestions on this matter. Thank you.

Answer №1

You have incorrectly used the CSS selector: ".selectpicker select" means "the select elements child of elements with the selectpicker class"

If you are looking for the select element with the selectpicker class, use this JavaScript:


This will set "display:block" on the element and make it visible.


Refer to the selectpicker documentation (). To hide the custom select and show the native one. Since the select has display:none!important, we need to force it to show.

Here are three ways to do it:

  • Remove the specific classes "selectpicker" and "bs-select-hidden" that are making it hidden.

                            .removeClass("selectpicker bs-select-hidden");
  • Remove all classes (may affect layout)

  • Force display:inline-block (default display value for selects)

                            .css("display","inline-block !important");

Answer №2

To remove a class from an element, you can simply set the class attribute to an empty string.

document.getElementById("targetElement").className = "";

If you prefer to keep a specific class while removing others, you can reset the class attribute with the desired class name.

document.getElementById("targetElement").className = "";
document.getElementById("targetElement").className = "desiredClass";

For more information on this topic, check out Removing Class in JavaScript Tutorial.

If you are using jQuery, you can achieve the same result using the following code:

$( "idOrClass" ).removeClass( "classToRemove" );

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