Why is it that @font-face fails to function properly even after being defined correctly?

Here's the @font-face code I've been using:

@font-face {
  font-family: "NotesEsa-Bold";
  src: url("C:\Users\test\Desktop\Webpage\Fonts\NotesEsaBol.ttf") format("truetype"); /* Safari, Android, iOS */
  font-weight: normal;
  font-style: normal;

However, when I try to use this defined font-family in my styles, it doesn't seem to work in Chrome.

Answer №1

Have you double-checked your file imports? Try copying the URL into your browser to see if it directs to a valid page or shows a 404 error. I noticed in your code snippet that there is a missing 'd' before '.ttf', make sure to correct this syntax error.

If the issue persists, ensure that you are referencing the font-family exactly as you have defined it (with or without quotes).

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