Programmatically extracting a list of utilized CSS images from IE WebBrowser (IHTMLDocument2)

Exploring the IHTMLStyleSheetsCollection, IHTMLStyleSheet, IHTMLStyleSheetRulesCollection etc. of IHTMLDocument2 to compile a list of all styles in the current document is quite simple.

Does anyone have any suggestions on how to generate a list of only the styles actually being used in the document? Specifically, I am interested in identifying which images from the CSS files are being utilized.

I have come across a tool that claims it can accomplish this task (identifying used CSS images) as long as IE8/IE9 is installed.

Thank you!

Answer №1

After some research, I have discovered a solution to this issue:

Newer versions of web browsers (such as FF 3.5 and IE 8) now have a querySelector method that allows for querying if a selector is present on a page.

For further information, check out:

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