Bizarre actions with jQuery append in Internet Explorer 8

Issue with adding elements to a div in IE8: The element is not added until the button is clicked twice, resulting in two new elements being added at once. Here's the code snippet in question:

$(options.addButton).click(function(event) {
    var prototype = $(options.prototypeContainer).attr('data-prototype');
    var fileField = $(prototype.replace(/__name__/g, fieldCount));
    return false;

The structure of the container is as follows:

<div id="uploading-component-images">
    <!-- New elements are inserted here -->

<!-- Button triggering the insertion function -->
<a class="btn" href="#" id="add-another-image">{{'label.component.add_image_field'|trans }}</a>

Here is the markup for a single element:

<div class="image-file-field">
    <input type="file" name="{{ full_name }}[file]" id="{{ id }}" />
    <button type="button" class="offset0_5 remove-image btn btn-mini">
       <span class="icon-remove"></span>

A screenshot for better understanding can be found here: Version of jQuery used: 1.9.1

Answer №1

Dealing with a similar issue, I found the following steps helpful (in no specific order):

  1. Add event.stopPropagation() after event.preventDefault()

  2. Consider using html() instead (or experiment with alternatives like insertAfter())

  3. Try using $('body').append(...) followed by utilizing element.offset to ensure correct positioning with the appropriate height and left values. This method resolved my problem. Dealing with IE8 can be troublesome but necessary.

Below is an example of my code (I'm utilizing an event object for offset but you could achieve the same outcome with jQuery's offset()):

var overflow = $('#overflowContainer');
var windowScrollTop = $(window).scrollTop(); // adjust if window is scrolled
var target = $($event.currentTarget);
var offset = target.offset();
var dd_top = (( + target.outerHeight()) - windowScrollTop);
$('body').append(overflow); // essential for IE compatibility                        
var left = target.offset().left;
   "top": dd_top + "px",
    "position": "fixed", 
    "left": left // aligns right with the border of the overflow container

Answer №2

Either eliminate the event.preventDefault(); line or place it after the append statement.

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