Is the Material-UI 1.3 font size failing to adapt to varying screen widths?

Looking to create an app with responsive font sizes using material-ui (v1.3)? Also, want the font size to shrink when the screen size is smaller and adjust automatically. However, the current code doesn't update the font size dynamically as the screen size changes. Need help to figure out why it's not working?

class App extends Component {
constructor(props) {
    this.state = {
        open: false,

getDrawerFontSize() {
    if (window.innerWidth <= 575) {
        return '10px';
    } else if (window.innerWidth <= 767) {
        return '11px';
    } else if (window.innerWidth <= 991) {
        return '12px';
    } else if (window.innerWidth <= 1199) {
        return '13px';
    return '14px';

render() {
    const drawerFontSize = this.getDrawerFontSize();
    const { open } = this.state;

    const theme = createMuiTheme({
        overrides: {...}

    const styles = {...};

return (

    <MuiThemeProvider theme={theme}>
    ... // The rest of the code goes here

} }

export default withRouter(connect( mapStateToProps, mapDispatchToProps)(App));

Answer №1

Creating responsive fonts can be achieved in various ways:
1) Utilizing JavaScript :
- One option is to utilize a JavaScript library (e.g. )
2) Using CSS :
- Instead of using pixels, consider using vw or vh units:
- 1vw equals 1% of viewport width
- 1vh equals 1% of viewport height
- 1vmin equals the smaller of 1vw or 1vh
- 1vmax equals the larger of 1vw or 1vh

You can also employ Media Queries in CSS

Thank you! I hope this information proves helpful.

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