Tips for adjusting the font size within the MUI TextField Label

I'm looking to adjust the label fontSize in the material ui TextField component. I've discovered the InputLabelProps property which has been helpful, but as shown in the image below, the label appears too cramped when focused.

Below is my implementation of the TextField:

<TextField {...params} InputLabelProps={{
    style : {color: '#518eb9', fontSize: 18, fontWeight: 1000}
}} label="Hovedkategori" />

I have identified that the focused label actually comes from another tag:

<legend class="css-1ftyaf0"><span>Hovedkategori</span></legend>

Answer №1

To solve the issue at hand, consider adding a CSS style to your TextField component that modifies the MuiOutlinedInput-notchedOutline class. Using sx, you can easily adjust this class and set the font-size to address the problem.

".MuiOutlinedInput-notchedOutline": { fontSize: "28px" }

      sx: {
        color: "#518eb9",
        fontSize: "28px",
        fontWeight: 1000,
        ".MuiOutlinedInput-notchedOutline": { fontSize: "28px" }

Answer №2

To customize the appearance of text in your application, you can utilize the mui Box component and specify the desired fontSize and fontWeight

const CustomText = (text) => {
    return (
        <Box color="#518eb9" fontSize={18} fontWeight={1000}>

 <TextField label={CustomText("Main Category")} />

Answer №3

I faced a similar issue and found success by utilizing the Mui Theme provider to generate a customized style theme. Make sure to navigate around the various small divs that may obstruct your progress - either hide them or reposition as needed. Explore MUI themes here

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