The Boostrap background is failing to display as expected in CSS, and the `position: fixed` property is

I am struggling to add an extra class within the div class= "container-fluid" in order to set a background with a fixed position, but it doesn't seem to work.

The only way I can add a background-image is directly in the HTML. Why is that?

Another issue arises when using position: fixed;. Even after trying Bootstrap's predefined code as shown below, it still doesn't work. What could be causing this?

For instance:

<div class="container-fluid position-fixed" style="background-image: 
                url(img/ico/wedding_videography.png); background-size: 
  <div class="row">

Answer №1

After experimenting with the code, I found a slightly different approach that worked for me. Here is my version of the code: Feel free to incorporate this snippet into your code by adding ".." in the following manner:

background-image: url(../img/ico/wedding_videography.png);

<div class="container-fluid position-fixed">
 <img class="ferrari" src=" 
  content/uploads/sites/10/2015/02/news-ferrari-580x362.jpg" alt="ferrari">

 height: 3000px;

 background-size: cover;

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