Utilizing SASS, JavaScript, and HTML for seamless development with Browser Sync for live syncing and

I've been on a quest to find a solution that covers the following requirements:

  • Convert SASS to CSS

    • Post-process CSS
    • Minify CSS
    • Move it to a different location
  • Bundle all Javascript into one file

    • Create compatibility for older browsers
    • Treeshake
    • Minify JS
    • Move it to a different folder
  • HTML

    • Minify and move to another directory
  • Automate process whenever SASS, JS, or HTML files change

  • Refresh the browser automatically

Currently, I have managed to create a unified package using RolloutJS, but I prefer linking CSS as an external file from the HTML document.

Any advice or suggestions? Thank you in advance.

Answer №1

Unlock the potential with nodejs powered tools such as gulpjs, gruntjs. Embrace the learning curve or consider a user-friendly GUI tool like prepros (affordable licensing). The latter option allows easy collaboration even for non JS-savvy teammates.

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