Guide to executing a batch file using electron

I've been struggling all morning to find a solution. I've gone through several tutorials, but I still can't wrap my head around how this should work.

In my Electron app, there is a button that, when clicked, should execute a batch file (hpm.bat).

Here's how I defined the button in my index.html file:

<button class="button" onclick="handleButtonClick()" style="background-color: #e24a4a; border: #e24a4a;"\>

And here are the functions for the buttons defined in my renderer.js file:

const childProcess = require("child_process");

function handleButtonClick() {
    const bash_run = childProcess.spawn([C:\Users\NM\Desktop\Electron\hpm.bat]);    

function handleButton2Click() {
    alert('Button clicked!');

I've tried following various instructions from the Internet, but I just can't seem to get it to work. The alert('Button clicked!'); message works fine, but running the batch file proves to be a challenge.

Could someone please give me a clear explanation on how I can execute the batch file

in Electron?

I've experimented with different codes found on Stack Overflow and YouTube, but no luck so far.

Answer №1

To execute a command synchronously in Node.js, you can utilize the child_process.spawnSync method:

childProcess.spawnSync("cmd.exe", ["/c", "C:\\Users\\NM\\Desktop\\Electron\\hpm.bat"]);

Important Tip: Remember to always enclose file paths within quotes when passing them as arguments.

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