Is it possible to nest CSS Variables within CSS Variable names?

Is it feasible to embed a CSS Variable inside another CSS variable's name or perform a similar action like this:

:root {
  --color-1: red;
  --index: 1;

span {
  color: var(--color-var(--index))

Answer №1

CSS variables cannot be nested directly within another variable's name in plain CSS, as demonstrated in your example. The var() function does not support dynamically constructing custom properties by concatenating strings or variables.

If you are looking to achieve similar dynamic theming or styling effects, there are alternative approaches available. These include using JavaScript, CSS Preprocessor tools like Sass or Less, or CSS-in-JS solutions.

One way to accomplish dynamic theming with JavaScript is illustrated below:

let index = 1; // Assume this value changes dynamically'--dynamic-color', `var(--color-${index})`);
:root {
  --color-1: red;
  --color-2: blue;
  /* Add more color variables as needed */

span {
  color: var(--dynamic-color);
<span id="dynamicSpan">This is a dynamically colored span</span>

In this example, the JavaScript code sets the --dynamic-color variable based on the index value. Whenever the index changes, the setProperty line must be run again to update the color.

I hope this explanation proves helpful!

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