Determine the width of the window and adjust the positioning of jQuery UI tooltips accordingly

Struggling to adjust the jQuery UI tooltip position based on screen width, but can't seem to figure it out. Can someone assist me in detecting the browser's width and changing the tooltip position accordingly? [fiddle]

$(function () {

      var wi = $(window).width();   

        if (wi <= 800){

        position: {
        my: "left+190 top",
        at: "center top"
                        } else {                       
        position: {
        my: "left+20 top",
        at: "center top"  }, }       

        content: function () {
            return $(this).prop('title');
        show: null, 
        close: function (event, ui) {

            function () {
                $(this).stop(true).fadeTo(400, 1);

            function () {
                $(this).fadeOut("300", function () {

Answer №1

It seems like the code provided is invalid:


      var wi = $(window).width();   

        if (wi <= 800){

        position: {
        my: "left+190 top",
        at: "center top"
        else {  

The tooltip plugin requires an options object and should not contain arbitrary code. It's better to place your window size logic outside of the tooltip function:

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